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The President is elected for a term of two years. The President convenes and chairs all meetings of the ENCJ organs. He represents the ENCJ, especially in relation to dealings with the institutions of the European Union.


Madeleine Mathieu


The current President is Madeleine Mathieu a judicial member of the Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature of France. Her mandate started on 14 June 2024 and will last till the General Assembly in June 2026. 



The President is regularly invited to speech at international conferences and events. 

Speeches by Madeleine Mathieu

Speeches by Dalia Vasarienė


Speeches by Filippo Donati

Speeches by former President Kees Sterk

Speeches by former President Nuria Díaz Abad

Speeches by former President Lord Justice Geoffrey Vos

Speeches by former President Paul GIlligan

Address of Paul Gilligan at the Assises de la Justice, Brussels November 2013

Speeches by former President Lord Justice John Thomas

Speech for the Danish Court Administration, September 2009

Speech for the German Judges Association on Councils for the Judiciary, Frankfurt, November 2008 

Speech for the 20th anniversary of the Polish Council for the Judiciary; Krajowa Rada Sadownictwa

Speech at a conference of Victim Support Europe, Berlin, May 2009 

Speech in Stockholm, during EU Presidency of Sweden, on Victims, July 2009

Previous Presidents


Vasariene Dalia

Dalia Vasariene 2022-2024
Teisėjų Taryba/ Judicial Council of Lithuania

Filippo Donati

Filippo Donati 2020-2022
Consiglio Superiore della Magistrature Italy

Kees Sterk.jpg


June 2018 - June 2020 Kees Sterk
Raad voor de rechtspraak the Netherlands



June 2016 - June 2018 Nuria Diaz Abad   

Consejo General del Poder Judicial of Spain.    



2015- June 2016 Sir Geoffrey Vos

Judges Council England and Wales




2013-2014 Paul Gilligan

Courts Service Ireland, High Court Dublin




2011-2012 Miguel Carmona Ruano

Member of the CGPJ
(full biography)




2008-2010 Lord Justice John Thomas

Member of the Judges’Council of England and Wales since 2002. Lord Justice of Appeal(full biography)




2007-2008 Edith Van den Broeck

Former President and member of the Hoge Raad voor Justitie/Conseil Supérieur de la Justice, Belgium (2000-2007)




2004-2007 Luigi Berlinguer

Former member of the Consiglio della Magistrature, Italy (2002-2006), currently Member of the European Parliament and vice-chair of the commitee on Legal Affairs