ENCJ Resolutions and Declarations
One of the objectives of the ENCJ, as set out in the Statutes, is the provision of expertise, experience and proposals to European Union institutions and other national and international organisations.
ENCJ Resolutions and Declarations
- Ljubljana Declaration on Courts fit for the future - June 2023
- Athens Declaration on judicial solidarity - June 2022
- Compedium on Councils for the Judiciary - Extraordinary General Assembly in Vilnius, October 2021
- Bratislava Manifesto for the New European Institutions - June 2019
- Lisbon Declaration on Leading Positive Change - June 2018
- Paris Declaration on Resilient Justice - June 2017
- Warsaw Declaration on the Future of Justice - June 2016
- The Hague Declaration on Promoting Effective Justice Systems - June 2015
- Rome Declaration on the occassion of the ENCJ 10th anniversary - June 2014
- Sofia Declaration on Independence and Accountability of the Justice System - June 2013
- Dublin Declaration setting Minimum Standards for the selection and appointment of judges - May 2012
- Vilnius Declaration on Challenges and Opportunities for the Judiciary in the Current Economic Climate - June 2011
- Resolution of Bucharest on Transparency and Access to Justice - May 2009
- Resolution of Budapest on Self-Governance for the Judiciary: Balancing Independence and Accountability - May 2008