The General Assembly in Ljubljana adopted the ENCJ 2023-2024 work plan which includes the set-up of several projects.
1. Project on Independence, Accountability and Quality of the Judiciary
Coordinators : Rvdr Netherlands and CSM Italy (assisted by the ENCJ Office)
The project will continue the work on both parts:
1. Independence and Accountability
2. Quality of the Judiciary
Progress on Court user survey will also be monitored under the umbrella of this group.
The first meeting of the project group on Independence, Accountability and Quality of the Judiciary will take place in the beginning of October in Brussels (at the ENCJ premises). Work from October 2023 until March 2024 will continue in dialogue groups composed on the basis of the outcomes of the indicators of independence, accountability and quality of the judiciary. Improvement plans will be developed to address weaknesses and/or to build on strengths in the period from January until June 2024. An in-person or online meeting of the whole project group is also foreseen in Spring 2024.
2. ENCJ Digital Justice Forum
Coordinators: Rvdr Netherlands and Sodni Svet Slovenia
The aim of the Forum is to provide a network for the exchange of information and advice for national experts dealing with digitization;
• Promote dialogue on challenges and opportunities – balancing efficiency and access to justice and independence;
• To monitor developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence and the challenges and opportunities it may provide for the judiciary;
• To exchange best practices and developments on national level;
• To provide a judicial perspective on e-Justice to the European Commission;
• To liaise with CEPEJ Cyberjustice working group, CCBE, Unit E-Justice DG JUST EC.
One or two in-person meetings and several online meetings will be organised. The Forum will aim, among other things, to keep the group members up to date with the upcoming EU legislation in the field. ENCJ Members and Observers are kindly requested to register for the forum even if they participated in previous years.
3. Project on Internal Organisation
Coordinators: ENCJ President
There will be no separate project group, meetings with ENCJ Members will be organised in the framework of meetings of the other ENCJ Projects.
4. Dialogue group on Attractiveness of the Judicial Career
Coordinators: HRJ/CSJ Belgium and TP Latvia
Across Europe the judiciaries face trouble in attracting candidates to be appointed as judges. Issues that will be taken into account are the representativeness of the judiciary and how to ensure that the judiciary reflects the society it serves in all its diversity, professional working environment and remuneration standards for judges.
Continuation of the project that started last year. Registration is open to Councils with new formation and new Observers.
Registration for the project year 2023/2024 is now closed. Should you wish to join one of the projects please contact the ENCJ Office at