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Results of the 4th ENCJ Survey on the Independence of Judges carried out in 2022 reveal struggles in the realm of cooperation with other state powers. In a State governed by the Rule of Law, all state powers should support each other in carrying out their functions, and all should refrain from interfering with the competence of others. The remuneration of judges is directly linked to judicial independence, therefore close cooperation of all state powers in this realm is vital.


On 19 April 2023, on behalf of the Judicial Council of Slovenia (Sodni svet), its President Mr. Vladimir Horvat, issued a letter to the ENCJ President, Dalia Vasariene, raising concerns regarding the current system of remuneration of judges in the context of Judicial Independence. This is the second instance in a short time that the attention of the ENCJ is brought to a similar issue. 

Click here to read the letter.