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The ENCJ General Assembly met 11-13 June in Rome to celebrate its 10th anniversary. The formal establishment of the network was done in Rome in May 2004. The 10th annniversary celebrations kicked-off with a reception at the Quirinale Palace hosted by the President of the Republic of Italy, Mr Napolitano, who is also the President of the Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura. All former Presidents of the ENCJ were also present and addressed the General Assembly.

The ENCJ Rome declaration was adopted. The Declaration states that in its first 10 years, the ENCJ has achieved its principal objective of improving cooperation and mutual confidence between the Councils for the Judiciary and the judiciaries of EU member states and candidate member states.  The ENCJ plays a crucial role in the maintenance of judicial independence, which is as much a central protection for the rights of citizens of Europe in 2014 as it was in 2004. Looking to the future, the ENCJ will continue to strive the improvement  of  timely and effective delivery of independent and high quality justice for the benefit of all the citizens of Europe by upholding the importance of independent Councils for the Judiciary, cooperating with the European Commission specifically in relation to the Justice Scoreboard and improving the independence and accountability of the judiciary across Europe.